教員紹介 詳細

James Bury


博士(教育) University of Reading, UK
修士 (教育) Open University, UK
修士 (英語言語学) Birmingham City University, UK
学士 (地理学とビジネス) Northampton University, UK


University of Reading(英国)
Open University(英国)
Birmingham City University(英国)
University of Northampton(英国)


Developing communicative competence (コミュニケーションスキルの開発)
Classroom discourse (教室の談話)
L2 education (外国語教育)
English linguistics (英語言語学)


Developing communicative competence (コミュニケーションスキルの開発)
Classroom discourse (教室の談話)
Events tourism (イベント観光)
Sports tourism (スポーツ観光)


The Japan Association For Language Teachers (JALT)、Tourism Research Information Network (TRINET)、TESOL Asia


English Conversation for Tourism
English Exam Preparation


• Bury, J., Sellick, A. & Horiuchi, K. (2022). コミュニケーションのための実践演習 Book 1〈初級編〉 Complete Communication Book 1 – Basic. Seibido.

• Bury, J., Sellick, A. & Horiuchi, K. (2022). コミュニケーションのための実践演習 Book 2〈初級編〉 Complete Communication Book 2 – Intermediate. Seibido.

• Sellick, A., Bury, J., & Horiuchi, K. (2021). 新たな時代への扉Grand tour – Seeing the world. Seibido.

• Bury, J., Sellick, A., & Yoshida, S. (2019). Expanding Classroom Language: Bilingual Readings for Teachers of English [Digital], Kindle Press.

• Sellick, A., Benthien, G., Bury, J., Iwasaki, E., & Yoshida, T. (2019). Games for the Language Classroom: A Bilingual Guide for Teachers of English, [Digital], Kindle Press.

• Sellick, A., Bury, J. & Yoshida, S. (2016). Classroom English: A Bilingual Handbook for English Teachers. Tokyo: Shumei University Press.

• Bury, J. (2015). Presentations of Gender and Gender-biased Language in EFL Textbooks: A Systematic Content Analysis. London: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishers.

• Bury, J. & Sellick, A. (2015). Readings in Education. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishers.

Book Chapters
• Bury, J. (2020). Finding Another Way. In Talandis, J., Ronald, J., Fujimoto, D., & Ishihara, N (Eds.), Pragmatics Undercover: The Search for Natural Talk in EFL Textbooks (pp. 74-78). Pragmatics Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT).

• Bury, J. (2020). The Questionless Conversation. In Talandis, J., Ronald, J., Fujimoto, D., & Ishihara, N (Eds.), Pragmatics Undercover: The Search for Natural Talk in EFL Textbooks (pp. 96-103). Pragmatics Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT).

• Bury, J. (2018). Animal idioms and developing discourse with the Answer, Add, Ask (AAA) structure [In Japanese]. In Tomiya, T. 中学校各教科の「見方・考え方」を鍛える授業プログラム: 新学習指導要領のカリキュラム・マネジメント [Lessons for training viewpoints and ways of thinking for school subjects at junior high school: Curriculum management and new course guidance] (pp. 96-99). Tokyo, Japan: 学事出版.

Papers and Articles
1. Teaching and Education Research
• Bury, J., & Hair, I. (2022). Using student feedback and teacher reflections to develop courses: Case studies in business English and tourism and hospitality English courses. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 10(2), 351-363. https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP2202351B

• Bury, J. (2020). Introducing storytelling into tourism and hospitality courses: students’ perceptions. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 20(2), 135-155. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2019.1665486

• Bury, J. (2019). The Effects of Different Discourse Moves on Students’ Oral Output. The Language Teacher, 43(3), 3-7. https://jalt.org/system/files/journal/43.3TLT.pdf

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2019). Students’ Levels of Confidence in Using English, Self-Perceptions of Ability, and Perceptions of Course Difficulty. OnCUE Journal, 12(1), 3-24. http://jaltcue.org/files/OnCUE/OCJ12.1/OCJ12.1_pp3-24_Bury_Sellick.pdf

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2018). Cultural Differences in Attitudes Towards Foreign Language Study. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(4), 1165-1173. http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2018.15.4.1165

• Bury, J., & Iwasaki, E. (2018). The impact of having completed internships on undergraduate students’ perceptions of the Japanese tourism and hospitality industry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1), 27-49. https://university.taylors.edu.my/apjiht/downloads/vol7_no1_2018.pdf

• Bury, J., & Masuzawa, Y. (2018). Non-Hierarchical Learning: Sharing Knowledge, Power and Outcomes. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 8(1), 32-51. https://journals.beds.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/jpd/issue/view/34

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2018). Japanese University Students’ Reflections on Peer Marking, Shumei University Journal (秀明大学紀要), 15, 59-78. https://www.academia.edu/37485185/Japanese_University_Students_Reflections_on_Peer_Marking

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2018). Cultural Differences in Self-Perceptions of Ability, Confidence, and Perceptions of Difficulty: Pedagogical Implications for the Classroom. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 6(1), 53-62. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/626/373

• Bury, J., & Oka, T. (2017). Undergraduate students’ perceptions of the importance of English in the tourism and hospitality industry. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 17(3), 173-188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2017.1331781

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2016). Introducing and Implementing a Writing Contest at a six year Japanese High School. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 4(3), 551-559. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/395

• Bury, J. (2016). Guiding Students Towards Africa: Choices of Destinations in Assessments. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation Hospitality and Tourism, 5(2), 122-133. http://www.taylors.edu.my/apjiht/download.html

• Bury, J. (2016). The effects of Three Spacing Methods on Students’ Mid- to Long-term Retention of Lexis. The Language Teacher, 40(2), 3-8. http://jalt-publications.org/files/pdf-article/40.2_tlt-art1.pdf

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2016). The Folly of Fancy Fonts. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 6(3), 50-55. https://journals.beds.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/jpd/article/view/353

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2015). Asking Our Own Questions: A Task-based Survey and Presentation Project. TESL Reporter, 48(2), 32-37. http://www.academia.edu/30545957/Asking_Our_Own_Questions_A_Task-based_Survey_and_Presentation_Project

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2015). Reactions and perceptions of teachers to the implementation of a task-based survey and presentation course. Journal of Innovation in Education, 3(1), 15-33. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIIE.2015.074702

• Bury, J. (2015). Teaching students to critically reflect on news reports: Example analyses. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 3(1), 179-191. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/204

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2015). Encouraging Incidental English Communication in Japanese English Classes, Part 2: Classroom Behavior. Shumei University Journal (秀明大学紀要), 12, 121-145. https://www.academia.edu/37485160/Encouraging_Incidental_English_Communication_in_Japanese_English_Classes_Part_2_Classroom_Behavior

• Bury, J. (2014). Encouraging more student output: Alternatives to questions. Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research, 3(1), 95-106. http://pops.uclan.ac.uk/index.php/jsltr/article/view/246/105

• Bury, J. (2014). Developing texts for an English for Tourism course: The effect of using task-cycling, spaced retrieval and high-frequency words on students’ self-perception of ability and levels of confidence. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 2(2), 181-194. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/106

• Sellick, A., Bury, J., Yamamoto, K., & Watanabe A. (2014). Encouraging Incidental English Communication in Japanese English Classes, Part 1: Student Attitudes. Shumei University Journal, 11, 167-190. https://www.academia.edu/30969495/Encouraging_Incidental_English_Communication_in_Japanese_English_Classes_Part_1_Student_Attitudes

• Bury, J., Sellick, A., & Yamamoto, K. (2012). An after school program to prepare senior high school students for external speech contests: Implementation and feedback. The Language Teacher, 36(2), 17-22. http://jalt-publications.org/files/pdf-article/36.2_art3.pdf

2. Teaching and Education Practice
• Bury, J. (2020). Jumbled question dictation. The Language Teacher, 44(3), 26-27. https://jalt.org/system/files/journal/44.3-TLT.pdf

• Bury, J. (2019). Stating Reasons to Agree and Disagree. The Language Teacher, 43(4), 17-18. https://jalt.org/system/files/journal/43.4TLT.pdf

• Bury, J. (2018). Dice Question Rotation. The Language Teacher, 42(4), 29-30. http://jalt-publications.org/articles/24338-dice-question-rotation

• Bury, J. (2017). Discussing, Deciding, and Reporting: Dilemmas. The Language Teacher, 41(6), 26-27. http://jalt-publications.org/node/23/articles/23990-discussing-deciding-and-reporting-dilemmas

• Bury, J. (2015). Working with dialogues – A tourism job fair. Humanising Language Teaching, 17(1). http://www.hltmag.co.uk/feb15/index.htm

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2015). Introducing lesson topics and context specific lexis. The Language Teacher, 39(3), 17-18. http://jalt-publications.org/tlt/issues/2015-05_39.3

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2015). Variant scoring systems for the language class. The Teacher Trainer, 29(2), 20-24. https://www.tttjournal.co.uk/uploads/File/Informal_index_2015.pdf

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2013). Making the Most of Wordsearches – 10 Ways. Humanising Language Teaching, 15(6). http://www.hltmag.co.uk/dec13/index.htm

3. Sports and Event Tourism Research

• Bury, J. (2016). Participation, Diversification, and Crowding: A model of Event Management. International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management, 1(4), 370-387. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJHEM.2016.082172 Presentations 1. Teaching and Education

• Bury, J. (2022). Bridging the gap – A cycle of practitioner-research. JALT International Conference 2022, Fukuoka: Fukuoka International Congress Center.

• Bury, J. (2022). How to deal with and navigate reviewers’/editors’ comments – 10 tips. CUE Lightning Round Forum, JALT International Conference 2022, Fukuoka: Fukuoka International Congress Center.

• Bury J. [Invited Speaker] (2022). Discourse moves for increased student output in classroom interactions. Research Institute of International Collabortation and Coexistence: Research on Language Learning (RIICC RoLL) Seminar, Online/Osaka: Osaka Jogakuin University.

• Bury, J. (2022). Teaching varied discourse moves: Theory and method. JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2022, Nagano: University of Nagano.

• Bury, J. (2022). Encouraging practitioner-research: Building communities of practice. TD/CUE Forum, JALT PanSIG Conference 2022, Nagano: University of Nagano.

• Bury, J. (2022). Storytelling in tertiary education: Theory and practice, Asian Conference for Innovation in Education 2022, Nishinoymiya: Alchemy Nishinomiya

• Bury, J. (2019). Finding Another Way, Pragmatics Undercover Forum, JALT 2018, Nagoya: WINC AICHI.

• Bury, J. (2019). Reactions to the use of Dynamic Assessment, JALT PanSIG Conference 2019, Nishinomiya: Konan University.

• Bury, J. (2019). Using dilemmas to stimulate communication and collaboration, Okinawa JALT Summer Symposium, Naha, Okinawa: Okinawa Gender Equality Center (Tiruru).

• Bury, J. (2018). Problem-based learning in collaborative classrooms, TD/CUE Forum, JALT 2018, Shizuoka: Shizuoka Conference and Arts Center.

• Bury, J., & Sellick, A. (2018). A task-based learning survey and presentation course: Student and teacher perceptions, TBLT in Asia 2018 Conference, Kyoto: Ryukoku University.

• Bury, J. (2018). Using Different Moves in Classroom Interactions, JALT PanSIG Conference 2018, Tokyo: Toyo Gakuen University.

• Bury, J. (2018). Non-Hierarchical Learning: A Pedagogic Approach, The 13th Annual Education and Development Conference, Bangkok: AETAS Lumphini.

• Bury, J. (2018). Managing Classroom Interactions to Increase Student Output, The 13th Annual Education and Development Conference, Bangkok: AETAS Lumphini.

• Sellick, A., & Bury, J. (2016). The Impact of Classroom English on Student Attitudes and Behavior, Okinawa JALT Trends in Language Teaching Conference 2016, Naha: Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts.

• Bury, J. (2016). The effects of using high-frequency words, spaced retrieval, and task-cycling on students’ perceptions of ability and levels of confidence, The 11th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama: Ehime University.

• Bury, J. (2016). Encouraging Student Output: Getting more by asking less, The 11th FL Teaching and Research Mini-Conference in Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan: Ehime University.

2. Sports and Event Tourism
• Bury, J. (2017). An analysis of the importance placed on five factors of event participation, The 1st Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality Conference: Ritsumeikan APU University.

• Bury, J. (2015). Practical Implementation of the P.D.C. Model of Event Management and Implications for the Marketing of Events in Japan, 3rd TTRA APac Conference, Tokyo, Japan: TTRA.

• Bury, J. (2015). Participation, Diversification and Crowding: Running Events in Chiba, Japan, Making Waves in Macao, The 3rd International Conference on Events, Macao: Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT).

• Bury, J. (2015). Participation, Diversification and Resistance to Crowding, Kaken Research Meeting 2014, Chiba: Shumei University.

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